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Software Development

About your developer

Welcome to my portfolio. I invite you to explore my site so that you have a clearer perspective of my skills and professional experience. What you will find can give you an idea of the large-scale jobs and projects that I can develop for you. Explore and get in touch if you have any questions.

I will explore what type of service/s I can provide you and what fits the needs of your project.

Iphone and Android phones ever with background

Mobile apps


If you need an application for Android or iPhone you have come to the right place, let's work together on the idea to develop a pleasant, secure and scalable product with the best design so that your end customer enjoys the best experience.


Education and Experience

Highly motivated professional with experience in developing, implementing, and maintaining software applications, streamlining processes, and improving productivity. Highly trained in various programming and labeling languages, in addition to languages for implementing databases and systems as well as process automation. Expert in problem solving. Trained in the use of cutting-edge technologies for Servers and their scalability. Broad command of the Android ecosystem and the Windows ecosystem, to create powerful multiplatform solutions


Check out my work history and skills to learn a little more about me. Over the years I have developed skills that have allowed me to collaborate on projects with other professionals in the industry. If you want more information about my work or are interested in discussing a future project, contact me.

Developer Hey Taxi

Develop Oye Taxi application for Native Android as well as the Micro Services in the Backend and the API that would support the mobile application from the Server, using the latest technologies available at the time.

Nov 2021 - Sep 2022

Investor and Developer

Dec 2016 - Sep 2022

eComerce Vision Digital Self-employment among a group of friends from the union, where we focus on the trade of Products and Services in the IT technological field. Developing our own Software solutions to manage the company in terms of finances, digital marketing, etc.


2015 - Present

Design, Create, Debug and Maintain applications for various clients, small and medium-sized businesses, mainly desktop applications for Windows, Web Services, Database Systems, Backend for servers and native Android applications. In recent years we have ventured into the world of multiplatform to cover an even broader market.

University Studies

University of Computer Sciences, Havana, Havana City
Software Engineer (Computer Software Engineer)

Sept 2009 - May 2014

Pre-University Studies

IPI. Lazaro Cardenas del Rio. Villa Clara. Cuba
Bachelor and Middle Technician in Computer Science

Sept 2004 - Jun 2007

"With more than 10 years of experience in software development and constantly expanding my knowledge, I am always up to date with the latest developments in the industry. Throughout my career as a Freelancer I have worked on several projects for small and medium-sized companies, gaining their trust in my work, as well as very specific assignments from clients and without leaving my personal projects hand in hand. Without a doubt, it is not only about theoretical school knowledge, but about putting the knowledge into practice. I am very happy with all the positive things that "I have been able to contribute to my environment and it is my desire to help you and together grow in this very competitive world."

Habilidades y Conocimientos

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Programming languages

C++ / Java / Kotlin / Pascal / HTML/php / CSS / XML

Languages and Data Systems

SQL / MySQL / MSSQL / H2 / Oracle / InterBase / Firebird / PostgreSQL / MS Access
noSQL / MongoDB / DynamoDB / Firebase Realtime Database

Methodologies and Principles

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Agile, SCRUM Methodology
SOLID Principles
Clean Architecture
Design Patterns (MVVM;MVP;MVC;MVI)
Test Driven Development (TDD)


IntelliJ Idea / Android Studio / Visual Studio Code / RAD Studio Delphi / QT Creator / Eclipse / Spring Tool


SDK / JDK / NDK / GitHub / Postman / Docker / Apache Kafka / RabbitMQ / Eureka Discovery / IcoFX / Notepad++ /


Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile / Compose Multiplatform / Ktor / Spring Framework / Spring Boot

Cloud & Host

Google Cloud / Amazon Web Service / Heroku / Hostinger / Wix

Operating systems

Windows / Linux / MacOS / Android / IOS

Technologies and Libraries

Google Services / Kotlin Coroutines / Dagger / Hilt / Dependency Injection / Room Database / DataStorage / Gradle / Retrofit / Ktorfit / Jetpack Compose / JSON-GSON / JUnit / Material Design / RxJava / Serialization / Parcelize / okHttp / Glide /WebSocket / RxCommon / LiveData / Door / Kotlin Inject / Mocking / SOAP / Restful-APIs / Lombok / OAuth2

Woman with Computer

get in touch

Are you interested in knowing more about my work or how we can collaborate on a project? Contact me today.

+1 305 360 5449

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